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Workstation Ergonomics Part 2

tree of wellnessGood morning! ? Dr. Kelly here. Workstation Ergonomics Part 2

In part 1 I reviewed a checklist for your workstation set up.

A couple of items I did not address.

First and foremost, take breaks!!!

There was a study that compared two groups of people. ?

The first group got up every morning and ran on the treadmill, went to the office and sat for 8 hours.

The second group went to the office and set an alarm to get up every hour.

chairThey did air squats each hour. They never ran on the treadmill.

The group that moved had better heart health! ❤❤❤

Staying in the same position for extended periods, even in the most perfect ergonomically designed set-up, can lead to stiffness and discomfort.

Using the wobble disc – Vestibular disc – keeps you on an unstable foundation. Your nervous system must send messages to your brain to trigger the muscles to fire to keep you upright.

You constantly have some motion in the spine.

You can alternate between a standing desk and a sitting desk. desk

But what is important is moving. ??

Standing up, stretching or taking a brief walk can refresh the body and prevent the build up of tension.

Short breaks every 20-30 minutes can help alleviate the strain on the muscles and joints. ?

I find that setting an alarm every hour gets you to move. You can be typing, on the phone, writing, get up and do 5 air squats.

It gets you moving and every to refocus on your task. – Let me know how it works for you!

Secondly – Lighting.

Bad lighting can lead you to strain your eyes and adopt poor posture trying to see better.

Some suggestions:

Make sure your lighting minimizes glare and brightens your work area.

The monitor screens are terrible for your eyes. ?

Both my son and nephew use basic blue light filter glasses. ?

You can ask to have blue light filters in your prescription glasses.

daylight glassesA company that has had some buzz in the wellness world is Ra Optics.

They sell glasses that have different filters for during the day and night.

Double bonus Ra Optics glasses promote better sleep.

Keep your spine healthy before you go into the workstation.

Get adjusted regularly. ?

Custom orthotic inserts.

Keep yourself balanced from your feet up when you are at your standing desk.

Spend some time on your denneroll.

Get a once-a-month massage. **ask us about our special pricing for massages *** ☺

It helps to keep you relaxed.

Health is physical, mental and chemical.

If you are mentally stressed, you will see physical changes.

A massage can help your muscles to be more relaxed and healthier to handle a workday.

Let’s prevent long-term health issues and promote overall well-being. ?❤

Let me know if you’d like any specific adjustments!

Yours in Health Naturally,
Dr. Kelly

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