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Is it time to cleanse after the New Year?

tree of wellnessGood morning! ? Dr. Kelly here. Happy New Year!! I hope you enjoyed your Holidays. I hope you spent some time with your family and friends!

If you are like me your ATE & DRANK you way through lots of SUGAR! ?

Is it time to cleanse and re-set??

This could be a simple process of committing to eating clean.

Maybe you want to go deeper and do a detox.

Or maybe 2025 is the year you Drop 20LBS! ⚖?❗❕‼

I can’t stress enough about how beneficial it is to do a detox.

It allows you to give back to your body.

Your liver and digestive system are always going.

With all the toxins we are surrounded by, taking the time to give back to yourself is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

I have to say I personally have a difficult time taking that first step to actually implementing the detox. I feel like it is when you are at the edge of the diving board, and you need to push off.

You have everything you need. Good form, you may have done it before, but you must push off.

Once you start, you are always happy you have made a positive choice for your health.

After I get started, I feel better.

I am less achy in my wrist and joints. I have more energy. No brain fog. ?

How do you know if you should do a detox? I’ll list a couple of questions.

  1. Picture2Digestive issues – Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn?
  2. Energy – Sluggishness, Fatigue, Insomnia, Restlessness?
  3. Itchy Ears or Eyes? Dark circles under your eyes?
  4. Poor memory? Brain Fog?
  5. Stuffy nose? Excessive mucus?
  6. Achy Joints?
  7. Weight Gain?

If you answer yes, then Yes you would benefit from a cleanse.

A detox cleanse helps to support your body. The liver, kidney, and intestines need to get toxins moving and out of the body.

I like to think about it as a plumber. The body is gunked up with junk. The pipes are getting clogged. Your body needs extra support to get those pipes first unclogged, then help to move it out!

It is a fun process & doesn’t mean you will be in the bathroom all day. ?

design for health detoxOne of my favorite detox is by DFH – Designs for Health. It is a 14 day cleanse.

You can handle it for only 2 weeks.

It is much easier to say no to having a drink or eating that dessert when you know in a few days you can say yes. ?

There are 9, 14, 28 or even a 90 day cleanse.

cleanse to healAnthony William has a 9 day cleanse. Check out his book:

His cleanse is all with food. His is a lot of work, but well worth it!!

Standard Process has a 28 day cleanse.

A 90 day cleanse would start with a 14 day detox and continue eating healthy for 90 days!

No matter what your goal is, we can find a detox that will support your health needs. ?

The first couple of days of a detox can be rough.

I recommend stopping all caffeine a couple days before the start of the detox.

Get adjusted while detoxing. You will be supporting your body and it works to eliminate the build up of toxins in your body.

Make sure you drink lots of water. Slowly work up to ½ you body weight in ounces of water per day.

Massage helps move lymph drainage along.

Sweating. It gets toxins out. Time for that Infrared red Sauna. ?

Get Started today

You can reach out by responding to this email or text us if you want more info on what Detox is right for you. Even better, ask me about it at your next visit at Tree of Life Wellness Center.

Yours in Health Naturally,
Dr. Kelly

P.S. For the month of February, get 20% off all detox programs on FullScript.

Tree of Life Wellness Center
551 S. Spring Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
630.941.TREE (8733)


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